Art and Craft MUS-E EvaluArte
General framework Evaluation Model MUS-E Methodology
Evaluations of the Program have been carried out since its inception, which gives considerable strength to the evaluative work. We are fundamentally trying to estimate to what extent the values and attitudes that are being promoted are being incorporated, not to “qualify” but to plan and decide what new pedagogical and artistic actions we have to adopt.
A well trodden path
The first evaluation model began at the international level in 1999 at the ICC (MUS-E® International Coordination Committee), being adapted in 2005, and the last formulation of the model was carried out for the 2013-2014 academic year. In Spain, the evaluation process is developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports and the different Education Departments of 11 Autonomous Communities and is carried out by the independent company EKOKIMIA, with the advice of the Complutense University of Madrid.
The work is carried out in combination with two lines of action that is summarized in the ‘Art and Craft‘ expression, a rigorous evaluation of educational results, actions and processes, the result of which is the Evaluation Report for each school year. The evaluation process applies the MUS-E model, included in the manual, which is sent to all participants at the beginning of each school year, and which serves as a good practice guide. In the evaluation, tools have been implemented whose objective is for MUS-E® to integrate two key dimensions.
- Knowing how to do by incorporating instruments and tools for programming, evaluation, educational techniques, without losing in any way the spirit and key elements of the MUS-E® methodology. In this process, education continues to be a pedagogy of experience, not of experiment. The artistic workshops are a space for the construction of experiences, expressiveness, communication, growth, but with the achievement of objectives that depend on the construction that each of the participants makes with the elements that we propose. Therefore, these instruments cannot constitute a substitute form of education for interaction and teaching-learning processes through dialogue and communication, but they are necessary to produce them. We speak of the Trade, of know-how.
- And Art as a central element of the experience unleashed in MUSE, the starting point and the arrival point of the processes raised in the workshop. We refer to artistic sensitivity, the development of creativity, the integration of artistic dimensions as the engine of social, educational and cultural dimensions. There has been a strong commitment to integrating methodological reflection on all these aspects.
These processes of systematizing the program and the development of instruments that allow the methodology to be implemented in a more effective and efficient way, has led us to design evaluation and planning systems and to develop adequate instruments.
As a result of the previous evaluations, new demands and realities have been detected to face from the MUS-E evaluation, raising the need to reformulate the model facing the changes identified above. The result of these reflections is the proposal presented at the Magalia meeting in November 2017, and the model applied in the 2017-2018 school year, which is within the global work that was carried out in the EVALUARTE program, funded by the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, through the 2017 and 2018 IRPF call, and which was carried out in collaboration with the Complutense University and Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid and the University of Extremadura.
The work is being developed from the interdisciplinary nature of the research and design of the model, being in the phase of actively incorporating the participation of members of the international MUS-E Network (Werner Schmitt, Marianne Poncelet, Rita Costato, Andor Timar, …), Responsible for the different councils of the Autonomous Communities, and technicians from the town councils in the area of education and social services.
The program is coordinated by professors Carlos Pelaez (Univ. Complutense de Madrid), Félix Ladrador and Luis Manuel Martínez (Univ. Rey Juan Carlos), and Rosa Oria ( Extremadura), responsible for different departments of the universities involved.
At the same time, there has been the collaboration of volunteers and workers from different spheres who have intervened in these years in the MUS-E Program, the contribution of more than 200 artists who have collaborated these years with the Foundation and who will be able to transfer their experience and strategies, and the work of the more than 3,000 teachers and technicians from different administrations who have been collaborating over the years.
The research study carried out has focused on the evaluation of results and impact, it will incorporate some instruments to improve the evaluation of the process; The indicators will provide information on changes in attitudes, conduct, capacity or behavior of the direct beneficiaries and will constitute the main basis for evaluating the success or failure of the measures evaluated and of the project as a whole. The elements to be evaluated are: value of art, active participation, citizen involvement, voluntary action, co-responsibility, incorporation of technical tools for programming and evaluation, intercultural education, families and active insertion of the school in the community.
The aim is to specify the general model that already exists and equip it with tools incorporating the gender, intercultural approach, breaking down the basic competencies with those that we can work with and measure in the MUS-E.
The following planned activities and materials have been carried out:
- National and international analysis of intervention models and projects through Art as a tool for inclusion.
- Analysis of the MUS-E methodology application at national and international level and its impact.
- Design of an intervention model through Art to strengthen the third sector using proven tools from Art and the development of emotional intelligence. Methodological and implementation documents.
- Analysis of the work evaluation model from Art, nationally and internationally.
- Design of a quality evaluation and management model in social intervention work. Work document.
- Design of a quality model to manage social intervention processes from Art in entities. Quality Document.
- Actions / workshops to test the model and validate it. Carried out according to the planned program in 12 centers, reaching 100 students per center, an average of 2 groups class per center. The research indicates that since the models are under construction and the application has been from January to June, before being able to close the investigation with the tools it would be necessary to implement it in about 50 centers, at least in 150 class groups and a sample of 3,000 students , 500 teachers and 400 members of the families of the minors, along with 200 people including artists, volunteers and social agents.
- Training actions and seminars for technicians and specialists in the third sector in the field of social action and education on methodology as a tool to promote inclusion processes, from the development of emotional intelligence.
- Act of presentation of the investigation. Dissemination, communication and impact on social networks.
The researchers consider that materials, piloting models, intervention prototypes and graphic documents of good practices for the intervention have been generated, being a really interesting, very enriching and, above all, participatory work since many social and educational agents have been involved .
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