EnredArte-Teach Me Africa

EnredArte - Teach Me Africa and Campaign Participation and Human Rights

What moves us must move us

In 2003, the Foundation began its awareness-raising and Development Cooperation activities on the African continent to bring its reality closer to Spanish society and generate an exchange that fosters authentic intercultural, responsible and supportive citizenship, all of this promoting participation and commitment by a fairer global world. It did so within the framework of the Teach Me Africa Campaign, with the collaboration of the Government of Senegal through the assignment of land for the construction of schools and the contribution of teachers’ salaries; Spanish city councils, through financial contributions for the construction of schools; and schools, through awareness-raising work carried out by and for boys, girls, young families and teachers.

The work allowed us to show social, historical and cultural aspects, frequently silenced, of the African continent, which allowed to dismantle stereotypes and work for a change in attitudes, and to recognize cultural contact as mutual enrichment, and attention to diversity as a reference for a new society where we all have a place and show the work that, from the Cooperation, is done from the NGOs. Especially with a job that demanded the right to Education for everyone. Through work in schools, we work with families and teachers creating a broad network of participation and social commitment.

The task we set ourselves is to create a citizen network of collaboration between people and entities, which allows the creation of support networks and collaboration synergies.

We work in educational centers raising awareness and making concrete proposals so that students feel that they can contribute their grain of sand to this new conception of the global world, where everyone is responsible for everything that happens around them.

In 2015 it was extended to a dissemination, promotion and awareness campaign known as EnredArte, articulated in a multidimensional way, which unifies different areas and affects access to rights, from reflection to action and participation, from the MUS Methodology -E who uses art as a tool to internalize values ​​and address conflict situations, and from working with feelings and emotions.

And this project is part of the RecreoArte Solidarity Campaign (Teach me Africa) and is reformulated based on the experience and improvements collected in the evaluation of the editions of each year, to achieve a greater impact, counting on the high interest of the centers who have participated previously, and endorsed by the good results obtained, participation and objectives achieved.

The need not only to inform and train, but also to take action in and outside the educational field is reflected, the key axis of work this year being the Defense of Human Rights, and the challenge, what do you do? , with the aim of working with the participants in the elaboration of action proposals. The focus is also on the Sustainable Development Goals.


  • The fight against poverty in the world will contribute to building a more stable, peaceful, prosperous and equitable world, which reflects the interdependence between the richest and the poorest countries, which makes it necessary to debate global development policies and proceed to a extensive public outreach on sustainable development and what it entails.
  • That it is necessary to know and defend Human Rights, not as something in the abstract, but from our involvement and participation to contribute to their defense.
  • The need to have a special impact on all forms of gender-based discrimination faced by women and girls in various regions, particularly in terms of access to education, employment and health systems, as well as regarding the forced marriage, sexual exploitation, genital mutilation and other harmful practices.
  • That the school environment is an excellent framework to initiate awareness-raising actions, working with minors and their teachers, and from there the intervention framework must be expanded to the families of minors and society in general.


  1. Awaken a responsible civic conscience and a sense of solidarity, which allows us in this global world, to broaden our views, from the plurality of a reality in which we all intervene, and therefore, cooperation is necessary, and taking action.
  2. Continue to sensitize the citizens of Fuenlabrada in a general way, and especially their children and adolescents about the need to work for a different world.
  3. Use Art as a tool for transformation that allows us to internalize values, apply them and take action.
  4. Raise awareness and train on the Sustainable Development Goals.
  5. Create a stable network of collaboration, supported by a solid social base, based on participation and solidarity collaboration.
  6. Collaboration between people, schools, institutes, associations and various entities in collaboration with the Fuenlabrada City Council to raise awareness and take action within the framework of this intervention program.
  7. May children, adolescents and young people be the protagonists and promoters of the action.


We will use the MUS-E Methodology in the project, the work tool will be Art, as the living that transforms and that is the opposite of the inert, the dead. Art as that which allows us to work from our feelings, from the heart, in the search for shared and universal values. Art as a way of working with our own culture and the agenda that enriches us all.

Once again RecreoArte intends to work in Primary and Secondary schools using the metaphor of the playground. Recreation, as a space where children play their games and stage their stories and experiences; the space where through play they develop their imagination and approach other imaginary worlds, which the project aims to make close and possible, in which we can participate in order to know first, exchange later and help. Also recess as the space that we adults remember in our imaginary.

Starting from the playful, we will enter the classroom, hand in hand with the artists of the Foundation, and we will work with the teachers, within the school framework, working on participation and creating networks and future committed citizens.


  • Carry out an awareness campaign to disseminate key messages aimed at the general public and specifically among children, adolescents and young people. Information and training actions in schools, entities and associations of different municipalities.
  • Intervention and implementation of measures to promote the defense of Human Rights; especially by conducting participatory workshops, helping to internalize the content, in the primary and secondary schools of different municipalities (Fuenlabrada, Móstoles, Barbate … ..), with the collaboration of several universities.
  • EnredArte, taking action, and how can you contribute? Launch of solidarity micro-projects. The centers will be asked to carry out a solidarity microproject, and record the experience in a video to disseminate the experience.
  • Participatory meeting with entities; let’s work in a network.
  • Celebration of concerts, shows and days of open doors, coinciding with different International Days as calls for attention to the Community, which may include:
    – December 10: International Human Rights Day.–  8 marzo: Día Internacional de la Mujer.
    – March 21: International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
    – April 7: International Health Day.

  • Act on May 25, International Africa Day, we believe that it is key on this day to hold a dissemination and reflection meeting on the African continent and the situations of vulnerability in the field of Human Rights that many of its citizens go through, and the causes that generate it. Previously, there will be exchanges between teachers from Fuenlabrada and Senegal and their students.
  • Short movies festival.


  • Town councils.
  • Schools: the project will be open to all primary, secondary, special education, and University schools. Reaching teachers, school students and their families.
  • Associations and entities.
  • Specialized NGOs.Senegalese teachers and students linked to FYME cooperation projects.